Huawei has just unveiled recently their very first 10.1" Android Tablet, the Huawei Mediapad 10 FHD. This device offers a stunning, glorious specification which more expensive Tablets like ASUS Transformer Prime and Apple iPad 3 also offers. A beautiful 1920x1200px Full HD-IPS resolution (still second to Apple's Retina Display) gives the Tablet a vivid, color-rich images with wide viewing angles and is then protected by a scratch proof Gorilla Glass screen. A monster HiSilicon K3V2 Cortex A9 QuadCore 1.4GHz processor and a powerful 16-Core Vivante GC4000 graphics processor which will definitely smoke out competitors and going to be awesome on Heavy 3D Gaming and Heavy Tasks.
You can order this Tablet at for US$449.99 (8GB variant) including a world-wide free shipping. They offer Buyer Protection for PayPal and some Credit Cards users as-well. Upon purchase confirmation, they test the full functionality of the Tablet before sending the package through international couriers like Fedex for free.
You can order this Tablet at for US$449.99 (8GB variant) including a world-wide free shipping. They offer Buyer Protection for PayPal and some Credit Cards users as-well. Upon purchase confirmation, they test the full functionality of the Tablet before sending the package through international couriers like Fedex for free.
Aside on having beautiful Screen and amazing Processors, it also offers a 1GB RAM which should be fine handling all the resources of Android OS IceCreamSandwich 4.0.4 and as-well on other Tasks/Apps running on the background. It has 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB of Storage; if its not sufficient enough, just plug another 32GB or 64GB of SDCard Memory on its expansion slot. That should fill several HD Movies, Photos and Musics or even plenty of documents.
The 1.3MP front facing camera is placed in the middle-top of the Tablet's bezel and should be fine for video calls. Near the camera, we can notice a small black dot which could be the Light Sensor who's function is to adjust the screen's brightness automatically depending on the environment's light availability.
The accessibility buttons (Power and Volume Rockers) are placed in the top-left-side of the Tablet. While the Huawei All-In-One Interface port (like Apple's standard) is located at the middle-bottom-side of the Tablet, a several cables like USB, USB-OTG, HDMI, and LAN cables should be present inside the Package.
1.3MP Front Facing Camera |
Power Button and Volume Rockers |
Huawei MediaPad 10 FHD Interface port |
The shell uses a coated Aluminum-Metal with Plastic on the top to prevent unwanted Wi-Fi connection stability issue which is commonly seen on those Tablets uses full Aluminum-Metal back shell. On the middle-top of the shell is where the 8.0MP Rear Facing Camera with LED Flash is mounted, it definitely can capture High Definition videos and photos. Thanks to its LED Flash, users can even capture photos during night.
Its not even done yet, this thing also gives the users Dolby Digital stereo sounds produced by the two high quality loudspeaker located at both top-corner of the Tablet. Share your musics and or videos to your friends without worrying too much if they can understand what they hear. On the left-side-corner, you can plug standard 3.5mm earphones or headphones for more rich quality Dolby Digital sounds.
An SDCard expansion slot is located on the top-left-corner of the Tablet and it does support whooping 64GB of SDCard. The Tablet measures an ultra-thin 8.89mm, thinner than most branded 9.7" and 10.1" Tablets on the market so far yet only weighs 587grams, one should have no problem holding this Tablet for quite long time.
An SDCard expansion slot is located on the top-left-corner of the Tablet and it does support whooping 64GB of SDCard. The Tablet measures an ultra-thin 8.89mm, thinner than most branded 9.7" and 10.1" Tablets on the market so far yet only weighs 587grams, one should have no problem holding this Tablet for quite long time.
8.0MP Rear Facing Camera with LED Flash |
3.5mm Audio Port for Ear/Headphones |
SDCard Expansion Slot with Cover |
There are still few information about the SoChip that Huawei uses on their MediaPad 10 FHD but those benchmarks are remarkably outstanding. HiSilicon K3V2 QuadCore with Vivante GC4000 almost smoke-out every Tegra 3 and Exynos 4412 devices. But we are still looking for more detailed benchmarks. This blog will be updated as soon as Overall and Gaming performance benchmarks are available.